Monday, March 26, 2012

Seven Hundred Twenty Four Through Seven Hundred Thirty Six


724. new friends anxious to spend time together as whole families

725. a husband who stomps off to the grocery store with the weekly list after we've argued

726. watching a storm roll in from the rocking chairs on my front porch

727. buds on the trees

728. that the crib is now assembled, and only missing one wheel

729. painting Brenna and Carrie's toe nails and then letting Brenna paint mine

730. Daniel's huge sight word jump and new reading group

731. chocolate

732. when I finally find a parking spot in the deck at the doctor's office

733. seeing pictures of my friends who have just traveled to China with their oldest son to adopt a little boy

734. that Brenna got to go to the Zac Brown Band concert and that Daniel got to go to the car show.

735. when Michael puts gas in the car for me so I don't have to do that on the way to work

736. coming home from work to discover some pictures hung and a cozier room, getting ready for baby days

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