Monday, September 24, 2007

Whoopie Pies

I thought I loved Whoopie Pies. They are a treat I remember from my childhood. Two chocolate cakes with yummy icing in the middle. Messy. Sweet. And sooooo good. At least in my memory.

Several months ago I was telling my friend Molly about the Whoopie Festival my mom had discovered in Pennsylvania. I was hoping to go and for some reason thought Molly cared. (I'm sure Molly would tell you that she cared a lot, but really....whoopie pies?) It was right about then that I discovered a most awful secret.

Molly didn't know what a whoopie pie was. She actually confused it with a Moon pie. Oh horror!

I knew right then that I would just have to correct this terrible injustice! (How could her parents have done this to her, I wondered?)

So last week I bought the stuff to make whoopie pies. When the first batch of cakes came out of the oven, I knew something had gone terribly wrong. They were small and much more cookie-like than cake-like. Determined to finish, I sandwiched them with icing and passed them out. They were actually pretty good, but they weren't real whoopie pies. Turns out I had copied the recipe wrong 18 or 19 years ago when I made my recipe box for Missionettes.

Not willing to take my new creation over to Molly, I decided to try again, this time using a recipe from my Mennonite cookbook. So Saturday I started over. When the first buzzer went off and I opened the oven, I was so disappointed. Oh so very disappointed. My cakes had spread out into each other and filled the whole pan. They were pretty flat. It was so sad. I salvaged what I could and made the rest smaller, but the honest truth is that my whoopie pies failed a second time.

Here's a picture of what I managed to come up with:

The recipe was supposed to make 5 dozen pies. I couldn't even complete 2 dozen.

Even though they weren't quite right, I took one to Molly anyway. I couldn't have her mixing up whoopie pies and moon pies any longer!

Wikipedia has a good description and a much better picture of whoopie pies if you find yourself wondering about the difference too. And just so you know, I won't get to go to the Whoopie Pie festival after all. We already have a commitment for that weekend. : (


mjpmusic said...

From the hubby:
The whoopie pies in question were quite soft with a mild chocolate flavor and a light, delicious filling. Was that supposed to be what whoopie pies taste like? I don't know -- but they were really really good!
BTW -- I liked the first trial run as well!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Michael. : )

Patty said...

I heard about Whoopie Pies on Food Network. Where I am from the Moon Pie is very popular but I don't like them. Your Whoopie pies looked pretty delicious to me!