Monday, September 17, 2007

Daniel Needs a Pity Party (and a lot of sympathy)

Daniel gnawed a hole in his thumb. I'm serious. He's 15 months old and he sucks his thumb, or he did until Sunday afternoon. He's had a callous on it for a long time because it rubs on his bottom teeth. Then last week I noticed a red blood blister forming on the top. By Sunday, the blister was only slightly bigger, but the callous had broken open and it. was. a. mess. It looked awful and there was just no way we could let him put his thumb back in his mouth.

Band-aids - perfect solution! Yeah, that lasted until the ride home from church when he figured out how to pull it off. Now he wears a band-aid and it's literally strapped in place with self sticking gauze that wraps around the thumb, across the hand, twice around the wrist for good measure.

Unfortunately for him it couldn't have happened at a worse time. He only sucks his thumb when he's really tired and trying to go to sleep. We took away his source of comfort just as he's breaking in three molars. He has all the classic teething issues from a fever to lack of appetite. And now his mean mommy and daddy took away his thumb, so he's having a terrible time getting to sleep too. It's been a rough weekend for the little guy.

1 comment:

Dena said...

Oh and I have sympathy for you too. Piper's had a hard time getting to sleep this week as well, getting 4 teeth, ear infection, unknown rash on her leg...
It's hard on everyone when they are struggling to sleep.
Piper suckles the bottom of her palm to get to sleep. I can't imagine if she couldn't do that. I hope he settles in to a new 'lovey' soon!