Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Bottom of the Week

I'm kinda hoping we hit the bottom of this downward spiral tonight and that tomorrow will bring new joy and fun. It's not likely, but I can hope. Daniel is whiny and screechy, likely because his teeth hurt. I got a good look at his gums today while he screamed in my face, and let me tell you, those molars are huge! It must make them feel better to throw your head backwards with all the strength your little body has, as if you were planning to do a back handspring, all the while screaming like you're being tortured. His thumb, though, is looking much better, thank goodness. Maybe we'll be able to stop using the bandages soon.

And dear Brenna has gone somewhere and the child who took her place is not so nice to live with. This new child talks back and argues with me, using phrases and tones that sound oh-so-familiar. She has most definitely been learning a lot from her mother. Just not what her mother had hoped to teach her. We are hoping that the strange child sleeping upstairs in Brenna's room will soon morph back into our sweet little girl. These violent, door-slamming, top-of the-lungs yelling, meanest mommy tantrums are becoming a bit hard to bear. Each time she does not get her way, we are subjected to the best her little brain can vocally muster. It becomes quite difficult to keep a straight face when you know she is so angry, yet what she says is so funny. It has been about a week since this all began and I, for one, certainly feel that that is long enough.

So having now posted the struggles of my week, I am going to bed. For it seems I need my sleep much more than before. : )

1 comment:

Dena said...

There must be something in the air, besides Ragweed. My kiddos have been out of sorts as well. As I was going to see what Piper's trouble was at 4:00 am, the new Third Day song kept running through my head...
"There's a light at the end of this tunnel, there's a light at the end of this tunnel..."
Hope the light comes in the morning!
P.S. My mom just brought over Piper's quilt square - it is so adorable, I love it! Thank you so much for taking the time to do that, it means so much. I have plans to send you a picture with her with it. Hopefully her quilt will be done by Christmas.
Thank you!!!