(side note: The sale is actually a consignment sale. It's the best consignment offer in town. After it's over, they sell the leftover items for half price. The church proceeds support kids ministries at the church, like Vacation Bible School.)
Mom found this sweater for Brenna. It'll go nicely over her green Easter dress.
I found this jacket and absolutely loved it. $2.50!
We looked at this shirt yesterday, but decided not to get it, because of a small stain on the front. It was still there at the half price sale, so mom picked it up!
Mom found this one for Daniel.
I had to buy this one when I saw it. It reminds me of my Pap. He used to work in the strip mines in Ohio.
I discovered that I must really like overalls for little boys. I bought about 4 outfits like this.
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