Monday, January 16, 2012

Five Hundred Ninty One Through Six Hundred One

Oh my goodness what a productive day! We are finally flying through these boxes and making progress somewhere. Daniel has a nearly finished room. (pictures later in the week, hopefully.) There are no more boxes in the baby room. Each child has a bookshelf, plus the bedtime shelf in the hall. (Two of which are completely full.) We've filled two or three huge boxes of stuff to take to Goodwill, just in the last two days. Plus we took at least two boxes of trash out. There are piles all over the house, but I know what they are and where they need to go. This weekend was a big jump forward in the making-the-house-a-home category.

"A song of thanks steadies everything." (Ann Voskamp)

591. empty boxes

592. finding my sister's book, Radical

593. loaded bookshelves

594. the big white Ford pick up truck that I followed for the last twenty minutes across town to the church in the pouring rain Wednesday night. Thankful for his red tail lights to follow and just had to laugh when he, too, turned into the church.

595. that I was missed at church on Sunday (Daniel had a mild fever) and people actually wrote to see if everything was ok

596. friends to study James with

597. turkey week

598. busy days at work

599. so much encouragement and love from fb about my friends moving

600. laughing till I cry because Brenna answered 'yes mom?' after a donkey noise on a kids' CD, and Daniel read chilled peaches on the school menu as 'chihuahua'.

601. lazier mornings

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