Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Good Neighbors

With the exception of the year Michael and I lived in an apartment, I have always been blessed with having good neighbors. I'm talking about the kind who will pick up your mail for you when you're on vacation and loan you a cup of sugar when you run out. When I was a kid in Ohio, we had good neighbors on both sides. I remember being sent to borrow an egg or take them over a cup of sugar. Good neighboring goes both ways.

Michael and I have not been as diligent about being good neighbors as we probably should. People around us seem to keep to themselves a lot. We do, though, take good care of the family across the street. She's a single mom with two boys. She feels comfortable enough to borrow from us and we do from her. I often take some of whatever I've baked over for them to enjoy.

Tonight it was my turn to borrow. I was making pumpkin bread and we didn't have enough sugar. Sugar! I always keep several bags of sugar in the cupboard because we use it a lot. I enjoy baking and we generally have a pitcher of sweet tea in the fridge. Somehow or other, my sugar supply dwindled and I didn't have enough to finish the recipe. I talked Michael and Brenna into walking across the street to ask for a cup and they came back laughing....with not just a cup, but a whole bag of sugar!

Good neighbors are a big blessing! And so is pumpkin bread, I'm sure. : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love my new neighbors. They show up with plates filled with homemade cookies. I hope they will think I am a good neighbor when I show up with potatoes from dad's garden this week. :)