Thursday, November 15, 2007

And The Chase Is On

(Great Big Sigh......)

(and maybe another one too...)

He got out. At first I couldn't figure out how. But the second time he escaped I noticed a dent in the back pillow of the couch. Uh huh. He did. He climbed right over the back of the couch. And now I can no longer contain him in the living room.

I had arranged my furniture in an L shape, used a gate to block from the short couch to the wall, and used the pack-n-play to block off the entrance to the kitchen. The room was child proofed so he could play on his own while I worked in the kitchen. It worked for 17 months and 15 days.

Now as soon as I leave the room, he climbs the couch, drops over the back and follows me across the house.

And so the chase begins....

Don't worry though. I'll learn him a thing or two 'bout doin' as Mommy says. He may be clever, but he got that from his Mama. (I think.) He doesn't stand a chance! This is a battle I'll choose and this is a battle I'll win!

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