Tuesday, March 06, 2007

8 Years

Today is our 8th wedding anniversary. We both pretty much forgot about it. That's ok because we celebrated back in February when we went to the Chris Tomlin concert. Still, I'm trying to think of some special way to acknowledge the day...and I don't want to bake a cake. I'm so over cake right now for some reason.

Changing subjects:
Sunday was the longest Sunday morning service I have ever been a part of. Oh. My. Goodness. That service lasted so long, that I actually left before it was over! We start our services at 10:30 and they usually run to about 12:15 or so. This week I looked back at the clock (because my watch battery died) and it said 12:30. Then I looked again and it said 12:48. Then I looked again it was nearly 1 o'clock! Finally I went to check on my kids. They were so tired and so were the staff! Finally about 1:15, Michael came out of the sanctuary and said we were going home. He had decided to just leave his guitar there (it was on stage), since he had to come back for the evening service.

In all fairness to the pastor, I should point out that he was not in charge. Nancy Harmon and the Mighty Warriors (You may have seen them on TBN if you watch such things. I had never heard of them before.) are at our church for four days of services. It turns out that Sunday morning was a pretty good indication of the way things will be through tomorrow. I have not been back, for more reasons than I'll go into here, but Michael has to because he leads worship. Sunday night the service started at 6 and he didn't get home until 9:45. Last night it started at 7 and it was after 10:30 when he got home. That's just more than I can handle!

I have a lot going on in my mind about these services and all, but I think I'll leave them in my mind for while longer. Maybe I'll come back to the subject in another post down the road.

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