Monday, April 18, 2022

Nine Hundred Twenty-Nine to Nine Hundred Forty-Two

I am determined to finish. Even though I cannot connect my phone to this account to add pictures. Even though the links to the original website and challenge no longer seem to work. Even though it would probably be easier to start a whole new blog. I am going to finish!  

929. laughing as kids roll around on new carpet

930. Rereading pages of the book that inspired this list

931. visiting with Ohio aunts and uncle who came for the weekend

932. Annabelle's mischievous smile

933. five cousins laughing under the table

934. warm spring nights before the mosquitos arrive

935. concert tickets to see a college barbershop group

936. egg rolls

937. piano music

938. chatty high school kids (when talking is allowed, of course)

939. my sister-in-law's ice cream cake

940. rain that washes away the pollen

941. being able to say yes to a request from my kids

942. my dad teaching my kids life skills

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