Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Muddy Waters and Volleyball

I started to recap the weekend, but then Stephen (my brother) sent an email that tossed me back ten years. He's looking for someone interested in doing the Muddy Buddy Ride and Run with him. I watched the intro video and laughed. Michael might be crazy enough to try that, but I'm done with mud.

We had a tradition at Longwood College (now Longwood University) called Oozeball. It takes place during Spring Weekend every year and is the most hysterical and dirty way to play volleyball. A few days before the festivities, they dig out the pit and fill it with water. By game day the water is cold and muddy. Gritty, really. Teams play all day until someone wins the tournament. It's easy to lose a shoe in the pit and pretty much everyone gets at least one face full of muddy water.

One year our FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) group entered and we either won or came in second...I can't remember anymore. But I still have the t-shirt!

I found a video someone posted on youtube from this past year's tournament. Here's what Oozeball at Longwood looks like:

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