Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hungry, Hungry Caterpillars

The first indication of the caterpillars was a sign at the entrance to the soccer fields that read:
Please do not pick up
the catepillars! (sic)
They bite!

Still, I never imagined how many there would be! I set up my chair at the edge of Brenna's practice field and immediately flicked my first caterpillar off my leg. Within minutes I noticed another at my knee. Then another on my shoe. And still another climbing the back of my other leg.

I soon stopped flicking them and started stomping on them! They were everywhere! It occurred to me that I should hang the diaper bag on the back of the stroller so I wouldn't be bringing any home. I flicked four caterpillars off the bag as I moved it! I literally spent the whole hour watching for caterpillars and flicking or stomping them!

(Incidentally, some sites say they don't bite and some say they do. Either way, I don't like them crawling on me!)

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