Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Soccer Practice

Tonight I went to soccer practice. See, last week I chickened out because I didn't want to end up being the team mom. (Hey...at least I'm being honest!) Since all the organizational stuff has been taken care of, I decided to go this week.

First of all, just getting to soccer practice at 6 was an obstacle course! Although we'd gathered all the necessary items for practice yesterday, Brenna couldn't find her new water bottle. In the search for that completely unnecessary item, we all lost track of time and got a late start on making dinner. The partially frozen chicken didn't cook nearly as quickly as Michael thought it should on the grill so we had our rice and lima beans first.

With 5 minutes to go, one of the two pieces of chicken could be pronounced "done", so we split it and nearly swallowed it without chewing. I lifted Daniel out of his seat only to discover that yet another diaper had leaked and he had wet pants. With no time for a new outfit, I changed the diaper and took him to the car. Meanwhile, Michael had to change out of his work clothes, close all the windows and fill the water bottle. (Incidentally, I did find the new water bottle, but the top is too small for the ice cubes so she had to take the old one anyway.)

Finally, we were all in the car and pulling out of the driveway. Getting to the soccer field, though, wasn't going to be easy. For some reason that we never did figure out, there was a lot more traffic than usual on the roads we needed to take. So much so, that we made the decision to go around. Basically, that means we did our best to go twenty minutes north by going 2 miles east, 5 miles north, 1 mile west, 1/2 mile back east, 3 miles north, 2 more miles east....etc.

Then we parked almost as far away from the fields as possible and I got the baby while Michael and Brenna took off running.

Soccer practice is FUN! (and quite a bit funny, too!) After about 8 minutes of practice, I heard Brenna say to the coach, "Whew! I'm tuckered out! Let's take a break!" He ignored her.

They ran 3 or 4 different drills, each lasting about 5 minutes. One little girl refused to participate. One little boy is way better than all the rest of the team. My child felt it necessary to give out hugs and pats on the back each time another child did well. (My child? No, definitely Michael's!) After devotionals, our team scrimmaged another team in order to get a feel for what the game will be like on Saturday. I don't think more than two on each team really knew what they were supposed to do. Each team did manage to get one goal, before the coaches signaled the end of practice. Saturday is going to be very entertaining!

Michael says they were a lot better this week than last. If that continues, I should have good news to report next week.

(By the way, when we got back to the car and lifted Daniel out of the stroller, he was soaked through again...time for the next size diapers, I guess.)

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